Routes and Schedules

Routes are based upon zip code with Northside Drive and State Street as dividing lines.

Route 1

Always on a Wednesday unless marked otherwise

All of 39202


39206 and 39216
( West of State St. and South of Northside Dr.)


2 Week Schedule


4 Week Schedule

Apr. 3    ---
Apr. 17    Apr. 17
May 1    ---
May 15    May 15
May 29    ---
June 12    June 12
June 26    ---
Jul. 10    Jul. 10
Jul. 24    ---
Aug. 7    Aug. 7
Aug. 21    ---
Sep. 4    Sep. 4
Sep.18    ---
Oct. 2    Oct. 2
Oct. 16    ---
Oct. 30    Oct. 30
Nov. 13    ---
Nov. 27    Nov. 27
Dec. 11    ---
SAT. Dec. 28    SAT. Dec. 28

Route 2

Always on a Friday unless marked otherwise

(South of Northside Drive)


(North of Northside Dr.)

2 Week Schedule


4 Week Schedule

Apr. 12    ---
Apr. 26    Apr. 26
May 10    ---
May 24    May 24
June 7    ---
June 21    June 21
Jul. 5    ---
Jul. 19    Jul. 19
Aug. 2    ---
Aug. 16    Aug. 16
Aug. 30    ---
Sep. 13    Sep. 13
Sep. 27    ---
Oct. 11    Oct. 11
Oct. 25    ---
Nov. 8    Nov. 8
Nov. 22    ---
Dec. 6    Dec. 6
Dec. 20    ---

Route 3

Always on a Wednesday unless marked otherwise

39216 and 39206
(East of State St. and South of Northside Dr.)

2 Week Schedule


4 Week Schedule

Apr. 10    ---
Apr. 24    Apr. 24
SAT & SUN May 11&12     ---
May 22    May 22
June 5    ---
June 19    June 19
Jul. 3    ---
Jul. 17    Jul. 17
Jul. 31    ---
Aug. 14    Aug. 14
SAT Aug. 31     ---
Sep. 11    Sep. 11
Sep.25    ---
Oct. 9    Oct. 9
Oct. 23    ---
Nov. 6    Nov. 6
Nov. 20    ---
Dec. 4    Dec. 4
Dec. 18    ---

Route 4

Always on a Friday unless marked otherwise

(North of Northside Dr.)

2 Week Schedule


4 Week Schedule

Apr. 5    Apr. 5
Apr. 19    ---
May 3    May 3
May 17    ---
May 31    May 31
June 14    ---
June 28    June 28
Jul. 12    ---
Jul. 26    Jul. 26
Aug. 9    ---
Aug. 23    Aug. 23
Sep. 6    ---
Sep. 20    Sep. 20
Oct. 4    ---
Oct. 18    Oct. 18
Nov. 1    ---
Nov. 15    Nov. 15
Nov. 29    ---
Dec. 13    Dec. 13
Dec. 27    ---

EnvironMentality, LLC       ·       601-720-8728       ·       © 2017-2018